PolkaInsure Migration to Binance Smart Chain


As we are waiting for Moonbeam upgrading to mainnet, we migrate PolkaInsure to Binance Smart Chain.

We will use BurgerSwap Protocol to migrate PIS from ERC20 of Ethereum to bPIS on BEP-20 of Binance SmartChain (BSC). BurgerSwap bridge is only used for migrating PIS from ERC20 to BEP-20 bPIS (Binance SmartChain)

The SmartContract of PolkaInsure on Binance Smartchain is: 0x5e0bb3ec41fd0a01da072554d7bf8f83df6377fb

A part of Liquidity on Ethereum will be migrated to provide initial liquidity on PanCakeSwap of BSC. On this occasion 5000 PIS = 5000 bPIS will be allocated for Liquidity Mining program of PolkaInsure on BSC.

From 15 March 2021:

PIS holders can migrate PIS to bPIS and vice verse using BurgerSwap Protocol https://burgerswap.org/

PIS stakers and Farmers on Ethereum can withdraw liquidity from farming and staking pool to migrate to BSC.

Liquidity Mining program will start on 20 March 2021




Written by PolkaInsure.Finance

The pioneering insurance protocol for Polkadot Ecosystem

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